Field Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | string | The game name | |
mapName | string | The map to use (the name of the map). | |
teamGame | boolean | Whether or not the game is a team game. Team options are ignored if this is false. | false |
invitationEmailAddresses | string | A space-seperated list of email addresses to invite to the game. | |
invitationNames | string[] | An array of string objects, each one is the login name of a user. Each user in this list will be sent an invitation to the game. | |
wildCardRatio | int | A positive integer denoting how many normal cards there are per 1 wild card. Default is 20, meaning there is 1 wild card per 20 normal cards. | 20 |
placementType | string | The initial army placement type. Must be either "placed" or "flatrate" | placed |
territorySelectionType | string | The initial territory selection type. Must be either "random" or "selected" | random |
initialArmySize | int | The number of starting armies the player will place in "placed" initial army placement type. | 35 |
flatRateArmies | int | The number of armies that are placed on each territory when "flatrate" is selected as the initial army placement type. | 3 |
tradeInBonus | int | The number of bonus armies that are given if a player owns the territory denoted on the card. | 2 |
bonusOnTerritory | boolean | Whether or not to place the bonus armies (from "tradeInBonus") onto the owned territory | true |
tradeInType | int | Specifies the card trade-in type. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. 0: Based on set type. |
0 |
tradeInCircles | int | When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a set of circles is worth. | 4 |
tradeInDiamonds | int | When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a set of diamonds is worth. | 6 |
tradeInStars | int | When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a set of stars is worth. | 8 |
tradeInOneOfEach | int | When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a mixed set is worth. | 10 |
tradeInWilds | int | When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a set of wilds is worth. | 20 |
creatorNickname | string | The nickname of the game creator. | |
creatorColor | string | The color of the game creator. Can be either an HTML color code or a color name. | |
computerPlayers | PlayerSoapBean[] | An array of PlayerSoapBean objects. Only the fields necessary to describe the computer player need be specified. | |
fortificationType | string | The fortification type. Possible values are "path", "border" or "any" | path |
numberOfFortifications | int | number of fortifications per turn. | 1 |
requireMaxRank | boolean | Whether or not to set a maximum allowed score. | false |
requireMinRank | boolean | Whether or not to set a minimum required score. | false |
requiredMinPoints | int | The minimum number of points a player must have to join the game. Only applicable if requireMinRank is true. | 0 |
requiredMaxPoints | int | The maximum number of points a player is allowed to have before joining the game. Only applicable if requireMaxRank is true. | 0 |
numberOfTeams | int | The number of teams in a team game. Only applicable if teamGame is true. Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. | 2 |
playersPerTeam | int | The number of players on each team. Only applicable if teamGame is true. | 2 |
teamName1 (through teamName6) | string | Specifies the name of a team. Only applicable if teamGame is true | |
teamColor1 (through teamColor6) | string | Specifies the color of a team. Only applicable if teamGame is true | |
creatorTeamNumber | int | The team number that the creator is on. Only applicable if teamGame is true. | 1 |
tradeInForce | int | The maximum number of cards a player is allowed to hold before forcing a trade-in. Valid values are 5, 6, 7 or 8. | 5 |
numPublicSlots | int | The number of open public slots when the game is created. Valid values are 0 - 15. | 0 |
borgifyIdlePlayers | boolean | Whether or not to borgify idle players. | true |
borgifyTimeout | int | How many consecutive turn skips before player is borgified. | 2 |
borgToAggressiveness | int | if borgToRandomAggressiveness is false, this value will be used as the aggressiveness factor of borgs. | 50 |
borgToNeutral | boolean | If true, borgs will not attack. | false |
borgToNeutralNoReinforcements | boolean | If true, borgs will not attack and will not receive reinforcements. | false |
borgToRandomAggressiveness | boolean | Whether or not to use a randomly-generated aggressiveness factor when borging players. | true |
disablePMs | boolean | Whether or not to disable private messages (discourage private alliances). | true |
teamArmyDonations | boolean | Whether or not to allow army donations to teammates in team games. | true |
teamChangeOwnership | boolean | Whether or not to allow territory ownership changes in team games. | true |
teamChangeOwnershipTerritoryCount | int | The number of territories that can be changed during the ownership phase of team games. Only applicable if teamChangeOwnership is true. | 4 |
teamDonationsPlacedByDonor | boolean | If teamArmyDonations is enabled, this specifies whether or not the donations must be placed immediately by the donor. | true |
teamFortifyThroughTeammates | boolean | Specifies whether or not a player can fortify through teammates (only applicable for "path" type fortification). | true |
teamTradeCards | boolean | Specifies whether or not a player can trade cards with teammates. | true |
teamViewCards | boolean | Specifies whether or not a player can view the cards of a teammate | true |
invitationMessage | string | A textual message to be sent with the invitation emails to all invitees of the game. | |
useFortresses | boolean | Whether or not to use fortresses | false |
useLeaders | boolean | Whether or not to use leaders | false |
numberOfLeaders | int | The number of leaders to be used (only applicable if useLeaders is enabled). Valid values are 0 - 5. | 0 |
capitolsGame | boolean | Whether or not the game is a capitols game | false |
reinforcementType | string | Type type of reinforcements that are given each turn. Possible values are "continent" (for continent-bonus reinforcements), "terr_area" (for territory-area reinforcements) or "both". | continent |
reinforcementTerritoryAreaTotal | int | When the reinforcementType is "terr_area" or "both", this specifies the total of how many reinforcements are available. | 30 |
skipTurns | boolean | Specifies whether or not to skip inactive turns | true |
tradeInPlacementTime | string | Specifies when the armies that are gained from card trade-in can be placed. Possible values are "turnstart" or "immediately". | turnstart |
tradeInTime | string | Specifies when a card set can be traded in. Possible values are "anytime" or "turnstart". | anytime |
turnLength | int | Specifies the turn length in minutes. Applicable only if "skipTurns" is true. Possible values: 5, 10, 15, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 10080 |
1440 |