
The GameCreationOptionsSoapBean represents the options that are used when creating a new game.

Object Members

Field Name Type Description Default
name string The game name  
mapName string The map to use (the name of the map).  
teamGame boolean Whether or not the game is a team game. Team options are ignored if this is false. false
invitationEmailAddresses string A space-seperated list of email addresses to invite to the game.  
invitationNames string[] An array of string objects, each one is the login name of a user. Each user in this list will be sent an invitation to the game.  
wildCardRatio int A positive integer denoting how many normal cards there are per 1 wild card. Default is 20, meaning there is 1 wild card per 20 normal cards. 20
placementType string The initial army placement type. Must be either "placed" or "flatrate" placed
territorySelectionType string The initial territory selection type. Must be either "random" or "selected" random
initialArmySize int The number of starting armies the player will place in "placed" initial army placement type. 35
flatRateArmies int The number of armies that are placed on each territory when "flatrate" is selected as the initial army placement type. 3
tradeInBonus int The number of bonus armies that are given if a player owns the territory denoted on the card. 2
bonusOnTerritory boolean Whether or not to place the bonus armies (from "tradeInBonus") onto the owned territory true
tradeInType int

Specifies the card trade-in type. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.

0: Based on set type.
1: 4, 6, 8, 10, 4, ...
2: 5, 5, ...
3: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, ...
4: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...

tradeInCircles int When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a set of circles is worth. 4
tradeInDiamonds int When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a set of diamonds is worth. 6
tradeInStars int When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a set of stars is worth. 8
tradeInOneOfEach int When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a mixed set is worth. 10
tradeInWilds int When option 0 is used for tradeInType, this specifies how much a set of wilds is worth. 20
creatorNickname string The nickname of the game creator.  
creatorColor string The color of the game creator. Can be either an HTML color code or a color name.  
computerPlayers PlayerSoapBean[] An array of PlayerSoapBean objects. Only the fields necessary to describe the computer player need be specified.  
fortificationType string The fortification type. Possible values are "path", "border" or "any" path
numberOfFortifications int number of fortifications per turn. 1
requireMaxRank boolean Whether or not to set a maximum allowed score. false
requireMinRank boolean Whether or not to set a minimum required score. false
requiredMinPoints int The minimum number of points a player must have to join the game. Only applicable if requireMinRank is true. 0
requiredMaxPoints int The maximum number of points a player is allowed to have before joining the game. Only applicable if requireMaxRank is true. 0
numberOfTeams int The number of teams in a team game. Only applicable if teamGame is true. Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. 2
playersPerTeam int The number of players on each team. Only applicable if teamGame is true. 2
teamName1 (through teamName6) string Specifies the name of a team. Only applicable if teamGame is true  
teamColor1 (through teamColor6) string Specifies the color of a team. Only applicable if teamGame is true  
creatorTeamNumber int The team number that the creator is on. Only applicable if teamGame is true. 1
tradeInForce int The maximum number of cards a player is allowed to hold before forcing a trade-in. Valid values are 5, 6, 7 or 8. 5
numPublicSlots int The number of open public slots when the game is created. Valid values are 0 - 15. 0
borgifyIdlePlayers boolean Whether or not to borgify idle players. true
borgifyTimeout int How many consecutive turn skips before player is borgified. 2
borgToAggressiveness int if borgToRandomAggressiveness is false, this value will be used as the aggressiveness factor of borgs. 50
borgToNeutral boolean If true, borgs will not attack. false
borgToNeutralNoReinforcements boolean If true, borgs will not attack and will not receive reinforcements. false
borgToRandomAggressiveness boolean Whether or not to use a randomly-generated aggressiveness factor when borging players. true
disablePMs boolean Whether or not to disable private messages (discourage private alliances). true
teamArmyDonations boolean Whether or not to allow army donations to teammates in team games. true
teamChangeOwnership boolean Whether or not to allow territory ownership changes in team games. true
teamChangeOwnershipTerritoryCount int The number of territories that can be changed during the ownership phase of team games. Only applicable if teamChangeOwnership is true. 4
teamDonationsPlacedByDonor boolean If teamArmyDonations is enabled, this specifies whether or not the donations must be placed immediately by the donor. true
teamFortifyThroughTeammates boolean Specifies whether or not a player can fortify through teammates (only applicable for "path" type fortification). true
teamTradeCards boolean Specifies whether or not a player can trade cards with teammates. true
teamViewCards boolean Specifies whether or not a player can view the cards of a teammate true
invitationMessage string A textual message to be sent with the invitation emails to all invitees of the game.  
useFortresses boolean Whether or not to use fortresses false
useLeaders boolean Whether or not to use leaders false
numberOfLeaders int The number of leaders to be used (only applicable if useLeaders is enabled). Valid values are 0 - 5. 0
capitolsGame boolean Whether or not the game is a capitols game false
reinforcementType string Type type of reinforcements that are given each turn. Possible values are "continent" (for continent-bonus reinforcements), "terr_area" (for territory-area reinforcements) or "both". continent
reinforcementTerritoryAreaTotal int When the reinforcementType is "terr_area" or "both", this specifies the total of how many reinforcements are available. 30
skipTurns boolean Specifies whether or not to skip inactive turns true
tradeInPlacementTime string Specifies when the armies that are gained from card trade-in can be placed. Possible values are "turnstart" or "immediately". turnstart
tradeInTime string Specifies when a card set can be traded in. Possible values are "anytime" or "turnstart". anytime
turnLength int

Specifies the turn length in minutes. Applicable only if "skipTurns" is true. Possible values:

5, 10, 15, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 10080