
The PlayerSoapBean represents a player in a game, either human or computer.

Object Members

Field Name Type Description
nickname string The player's nickname
userCode int The user/player code.
isComputer boolean True if this player is a computer player (either originally configured to be a computer player, or a borgified/quit player).
originalUserCode int If this is a borgified/quit human player, this is the user code of the original player. This may not be set correctly for some old games.
computerAggressiveness int An integer from 1 to 100 representing how aggressive the computer player is. Only applicable when isComputer is true.
gamePoints int The number of points the given player has earned or lost in the given game.
neutralComputer boolean Whether or not the computer player is neutral (does not attack).
noReinforcementComputer boolean Whether or not the computer player receives reinforcements.
color string The color of the player
turnNumber int The player's turn number in the game.
teamNumber int The player's team number. Only applicable if the game is a team game.