The Lost Realm of Arnor |
4 |
The Erech stone makes me Huorny
Anduin |
3 |
riviera of middle earth
Enedwaith |
3 |
Minas Tirith |
3 |
Blackpink Lisa
Rohan |
3 |
not owned
Angmar |
2 |
riviera of middle earth
Barad Dur |
2 |
Where there are four Catholics there is a fifth
Brown Lands |
2 |
not owned
Cardolan |
2 |
The Erech stone makes me Huorny
Carnen |
2 |
Dagorlad |
2 |
not owned
Edoras |
2 |
Ered Luin |
2 |
Forodwaith |
2 |
not owned
Gondor |
2 |
Blackpink Lisa
Grey Havens |
2 |
Grey Mountains |
2 |
Your Outie has never won a game of Risk
Harlindon |
2 |
not owned
Isengard |
2 |
Ithilien |
2 |
Where there are four Catholics there is a fifth
Lorien |
2 |
riviera of middle earth
Minas Morgul |
2 |
Where there are four Catholics there is a fifth
Minhiriath |
2 |
Mirkwood |
2 |
riviera of middle earth
Pelargir |
2 |
Blackpink Lisa
Rhudaur |
2 |
The Erech stone makes me Huorny
Umbar |
2 |
Blackpink Lisa
Witch Realm of Angmar |
2 |
The Erech stone makes me Huorny
Barrow Downs |
1 |
The Erech stone makes me Huorny
Bree |
1 |
The Erech stone makes me Huorny
Dol Amroth |
1 |
Blackpink Lisa
Dol Guldur |
1 |
riviera of middle earth
Dorwinion |
1 |
Druwaith Laur |
1 |
Edhellond |
1 |
Blackpink Lisa
Fangorn |
1 |
riviera of middle earth
Goblin Town |
1 |
riviera of middle earth
Halls of Tharaduil |
1 |
riviera of middle earth
Harad |
1 |
not owned
Helms Deep |
1 |
Iron Hills |
1 |
Mordor |
1 |
Where there are four Catholics there is a fifth
Moria |
1 |
Your Outie has never won a game of Risk
Mount Doom |
1 |
Where there are four Catholics there is a fifth
Mount Gundabad |
1 |
riviera of middle earth
Paths of the Dead |
1 |
Blackpink Lisa
Rivendell |
1 |
The Erech stone makes me Huorny
South Gondor |
1 |
Where there are four Catholics there is a fifth
The Lonely Mountain |
1 |
spicy link in bio
The Long Lake |
1 |
The Shire |
1 |
The Erech stone makes me Huorny
Dead Marshes |
0 |