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Game: 910661

Status: turn 34
Whyme0736's turn
(not started)
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CARD SETS:C:4, D:6, S:8, CDS:10, W:20 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:0
CARD BONUS:6 / Not On Territory SET PLACEMENT:immediately FORTIFICATION:2 / path
Stalemate Crusher: A Tad Atomic Billy The Atomic Kid WarRabbit Hexed Atomic Whyme0736
Party Headquarters Soviet Missile Defense System Red Square Minsk Railway Station The Durma Underground Entry City Entrance Checkpoint Union Hall Ministry of Information Sacrifice Park Monument Park Lone Lenin Statue Sprawling Avenues Palace of the Leader Chernobyl Kiev Puppet State Palace Border Crossing Fields of Wheat Prypiat Western Siberian Front Secret Bomber Base Central Prison Tower Salt Mines Crush Discontent Prague Spring Crush Your Enemies All Necessary Force Purge the Ranks Watch Your Neighbors Totalitarian Solution Propaganda Machine Imprison Discontent Isolation Alter History Power Grab 13 Days Kruschevs Bluff Initial Blockade Overboard Abolition of Private Property Revolution Inequality Installed Socialism Succession to the People Greater Good Tactical Nuclear Capabilities Prepared for Invasion Spoils of War Shared Sacrifice Crumbling City A New Vision The Simple Life Stay Away The Wall Global Dominance Fort Proxy Empire Without Sunsets New Franchises Undermine Capitalism Invade if Necessary Sino Soviet Relations Angola Why Not Keep Growing Leon Trotsky Kruschev Corner Castro Cove Stalin Center Lenin Hold Radioactive Hive Maos Peak Brezhnev Doctrine Kim Jong Il Kim il Sung Hole Zhou and Zang Fort Marx Ho Chi Minh Chin Infosec Thoughtcrime Ungood Positivethink Nuclearnecessity Tallwall Radiation Path Safe House Underground Metro Wall Jump Failed Launch Sputnik Laika Yuri First in Space Space Victory Five Year Plan Work Together Share in Prosperity Secret Garden West Berlin Marshall Plan Berlin Air Lift Rebuilt Ruins Capitalist Success Cold Battlefront South American Interests Carrot and Stick Military Industrial Conplex Aproxyment Exiled Nationalists Portal to Berlin Robust Counterpresence Kingdom of Japan Atomic Taste Intersecting Dominance Nuclear Stockpile Bomber Fleet Standing Army Technological Innovation Competition Breeds Success Insert American Message Spread the Message Super Secret Weapon Metal Gear Rex I Die for Democracy China Will Fall Halt Communist Scum Crush Communism American Strength Mellencamp Smalltown Town Square The Boss Street Old Time Hardware Duck and Cover Looming Invasion Mutually Assured Destruction Main Street is Next Nuclear Winter Doomsday Machine Heat Blast Back Against the Wall Major King Kong Eisenhower Pass FDR Churchills Corner MacArthur JFK Hoovers Secret Closet Trumans Big Bomb Marshall RFK McNamara Kissinger Border Patrol Expansive Farmlands Industrial Prowess Motivated Workforce Bomb Technology Buy War Bonds Way to Victory Victory Garden First Wave Retaliatory Response Broadcast the Message Crush Hippies Robust Spy Networks MacCarthyism Report Everything Dont Question Authority Ultimate Loss Keep up with the Jones MK Ultra Mind Control Ultimate Power Buy American The Hive The Pentahexagon Capitol Defense Networks Valt Tec The Metro Safety System Monument City Congress Place The White House Embassy Row Irradiated Zoo Dirty Money Separate but Equal Escape Hatch Superiority Realized At the End of the Bayonet Neo Con Paradise Way to the Right Across the Globe Token Democracy Soul Saving Institutional Tyranny Radiation Poisoning GI Bill Housing Baby Boomers Civil Unrest Institutional White Paint Work Ethic Honesty Choke God and Guns Rosie the Riveter Greasy Hands Cold Beer and Hard Work Bomb Building The Other America 99 Percent Shit Shovelers Backbone Virtuous Conservatism
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  A Tad Atomic ? 69 ? 3 0 20
  mrfetish (rejoinable [N,NR]) ? 23 ? 0 -94 0
  Billy The Atomic Kid ? 132 ? 0 0 20
  WarRabbit ? 66 ? 2 0 5
  Hexed ? 121 ? 0 0 19
  Bormber (borgified [N,NR]) ? 69 ? 0 -97 0
  Atomic ? 113 ? 0 0 14
  Whyme0736 ? 93 ? 2 0 10
  [NEUTRAL] ? 9 ? 0 0 0
Name Value Owner
Allied Heroes Hall 5 unknown
The Motherland 5 unknown
Constant Threat 4 unknown
East German Compound 4 unknown
Paranoia 4 unknown
Soviet Expansion 4 unknown
Washington DC 4 unknown
Allied Military Superiority 3 unknown
Asian Front 3 unknown
Blue Collar America 3 unknown
Moscow 3 unknown
Post War America 3 unknown
Red Heroes Hive 3 unknown
Repressed Uprising 3 unknown
Western Europe 3 unknown
Allied Intervention 2 unknown
Allied Ukrainian Front 2 unknown
Communist Theory 2 unknown
Doubletalk Lane 2 unknown
Exporting Democracy 2 unknown
Gulag 2 unknown
Liberty Prime 2 unknown
Little Cuba 2 unknown
Main Street 2 unknown
Space Race 2 unknown
Collective Farm 1 unknown
Secret Tunnel 1 unknown
Name Players
Them mrfetish (rejoinable [N,NR]), WarRabbit, Bormber (borgified [N,NR]), Whyme0736
Us A Tad Atomic, Billy The Atomic Kid, Hexed, Atomic

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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