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Game: 909975
New Beginnings on an Old Map

Status: turn 198
Game over, winner: Starting In Norway
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CARD SETS:C:1, D:2, S:3, CDS:4, W:5 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:0
CARD BONUS:1 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:1 / path
Stalemate Crusher: Starting In Norway
Western Isles Orkney Seat Shetland Inverness Lanark Edinburgh Ulster Connaught Kerling Gullfoss Reykjavik Northumberlands Worchester Wales Cornwall Sussex Brittany Munster Leinster Normandy Poitou Charentes London Dublin Paris Lisbon Tangier Trondheim Uppsala Warsaw Kiev Buda Pest Munchen Venice Rome Debrovnik Constantinople Varna Lorraine Saxony Holstein Mecklenburg Franconia Bohemia Arles Burgen Swabia Bavaria Styria Carinthia Lombardy Carniola Calais Champagne Limousin Rhone Alpes Pays de la Loire Charentes Pyrenees Auverne Achtorte Grisons Galicia Leonese Zemora Salamanca Biscay Burgos New Castile Valencia Toledo Estramadura Portucale Alemtelo Algarve Vassals Perigord Toulouse Pamplona Tudela Zaragoza Teruel Catalonia Carcassonne Roussillon Cote D Azur Legnano Milano Genoa Balogna Florence Spoleto Benevento Apula Salerno Sicily Seville Anadalusia Granada Cordoba Murcia Alicante Morocco Balearic Islands Scodra Serdica Nicopolis Dorystolon Adrianople Larissa Corinth Abydos Dorylaeum Ephesos Rama Hurtza Bosnia Cralova Constantrova Tulcea Vrancea Suleava Vaslui Corsica Sardinia Jutland Funen Zealand Nimen Suwalki Pripet Katowice Krakow Pomerania Lithuania Croatia Pressburg Budfrad Nograd Arad Temes Transylvania Hunyad Torda Aranyos Nagy Kukollo Modrus Fiume Csik Belgrade Zvenigorod Belarus Yotvingians Iskorosten Pereyaslavl Pechenegs Chernigov Galindiana Polock Torg Latgalians Novogorod Toropets Vattern Helgo Falun Suomi Oulu Kuusamo Joensuu Karelians Estonians Oslo Stavanger Bergen Trondheim Province Hazstad Hammerfest Hazstand Murmansk Kandalaksha Ivalo Rovaniemi Umea Gavie
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Starting In Norway 182 470 175 2 593 36
  theyre eating the cats (conquered) -34 22
  Not Busy BC I Got Laid Off (rejoinable quitter [80]) (conquered) -100 0
  Grand Master Templar Luce (conquered) -65 17
  The Holy Skibidy Empire (conquered) 217 7
  glazed croissant (conquered) 114 6
  Make Dark Ages Europe Great Again (conquered) 317 8
  Im Busy With Comprehensive Exam Prep (borgified [92]) (conquered) -100 0
Name Value Owner
Holy Roman Empire 5 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Norway 4 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Russia 4 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Sweden 4 Starting In Norway
Byzantine Empire 3 Starting In Norway
Caliphate of Cordoba 3 Starting In Norway
English Empire 3 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Castile 3 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of France 3 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Hungry 3 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Poland 3 Starting In Norway
Papal States 3 Starting In Norway
Aquitaine Kingdom 2 Starting In Norway
Aragonian Kingdom 2 Starting In Norway
Buda Pest 2 Starting In Norway
Constantinople 2 Starting In Norway
Counties of Catalan 2 Starting In Norway
Debrovnik 2 Starting In Norway
Dublin 2 Starting In Norway
Edinburgh 2 Starting In Norway
Iceland 2 Starting In Norway
Island States of Orkney 2 Starting In Norway
kiev 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Denmark 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Ireland 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Leon 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Moldavia 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Navarre 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Portugal 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Sardinia 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Scottland 2 Starting In Norway
Kingdom of the Teutonic Knights 2 Starting In Norway
Lisbon 2 Starting In Norway
London 2 Starting In Norway
Milian Counties 2 Starting In Norway
Munchen 2 Starting In Norway
Norman Kingdom 2 Starting In Norway
Paris 2 Starting In Norway
Reykjavik 2 Starting In Norway
Rome 2 Starting In Norway
Serbian Kingdom 2 Starting In Norway
Swiss Confederation 2 Starting In Norway
Tangier 2 Starting In Norway
Trondheim 2 Starting In Norway
Uppsala 2 Starting In Norway
Varna 2 Starting In Norway
Venice 2 Starting In Norway
Wallachian Kingdom 2 Starting In Norway
Warsaw 2 Starting In Norway

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