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Game: 887602
RRL Minions Bloodbath

Status: turn 175
Game over, winner: Chuck U Farley
request pause
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CARD SETS:4,5,6,7,8,... Next: 58 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:0
CARD BONUS:10 / Not On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:2 / path
Note: This game was completed more than 6 months ago and has been archived.
Many features are unavailable, such as logs and messages.
Stalemate Crusher: Chuck U Farley
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Chili1555 (conquered) 218 1
  Chuck U Farley 0 0 0 -1 1588 31
  Shoo Fly (conquered) -96 1
  spinbot (conquered) -61 2
  16OzOfGlory (conquered) 661 2
  SCOOPER THE GREAT (conquered) -85 2
  teddy84 (left game [52]) (conquered) 7 0
  Bloodforthebloodgods (conquered) -76 3
  e m e c e (rejoinable quitter [27]) (conquered) 1114 0
  chompchomp (conquered) 116 1
  All your Sins (conquered) 1147 15
  aspen (conquered) 531 3
  Hornblower (conquered) 419 2
  Blue Sun (conquered) -95 1
  Devlinfish (conquered) 1120 8
  LOLBRICK (conquered) -95 0
  Wicked Chicken (conquered) -85 2
  Vladrek (conquered) 354 4
  DarkPresage (left game [73]) (conquered) -95 0
  rkaufman (conquered) 853 3
  deadpool (conquered) -79 2
  AImurton (left game [97]) (conquered) -96 0
  Timmy Maj (conquered) -88 1
  Arsenaldog (conquered) 722 2
  Dag (left game [21]) (conquered) -98 0
Name Value Owner
Colliding Rivers 86 not owned
Dos Rivers 86 not owned
Best Damn Beach 57 not owned
Grassy Knoll 57 not owned
Big Brown Bear Beach 43 not owned
Big Brown Bear Den 43 not owned
Big Brown Bear Spa 43 not owned
Bubba Beach 43 not owned
Carvin Hearts in the Tree 43 not owned
Creekside Crescent 43 not owned
Deliverance Dock 43 not owned
Firefly Festival 43 not owned
Fishermans Fork 43 not owned
Forest Walk 43 not owned
Gator Beach 43 not owned
Gator South Beach 43 not owned
Northern Waters 43 not owned
Peein in the Bushes 43 not owned
Quad Flats 43 not owned
River Mouth 43 not owned
Sunburn Alley Beach 43 not owned
The Big Bend 43 not owned
Tire Swing Landing 43 not owned
Best Damn Camping Spot 29 not owned
Big Brown Bear Sunbathing 29 not owned
Broad River 29 not owned
Bubbas Backyard 29 not owned
Bubbas Beer Cooler 29 not owned
Busters Bear Trap 29 not owned
Catfish Cove 29 not owned
Crowleys Cove 29 not owned
Fishin in the Dark 29 not owned
Little Piece of Heaven 29 not owned
Little Strip of Paradise 29 not owned
Narrow River 29 not owned
Neckin Nook 29 not owned
Neenyas Nook 29 not owned
Nessys Pool 29 not owned
Noodlin Nook 29 not owned
Perfect Picnic Spot 29 not owned
Princess Point 29 not owned
Riverbend 29 not owned
Snakes Nest 29 not owned
Sunburn Alley 29 not owned
Tadpole Shallows 29 not owned
The Back Forty 29 not owned
Wading Pool 29 not owned
BASSFEST 14 not owned
Beercan Graveyard 14 not owned
Coolinjected Trout 14 not owned
Dogs Leg 14 not owned
Famous Blue Fish 14 not owned
GPAs Steelhead 14 not owned
Grannys Gold Panning Station 14 not owned
Largemouth Nasonex 14 not owned
McCarp 14 not owned
Meats Noodlin Nook 14 not owned
Medys Special Fishin Hole 14 not owned
PerchTomato 14 not owned
Rock Skip Junction 14 not owned
stds Master Baiter 14 not owned
Stepping Stones 14 not owned
the little kotra that could 14 not owned
The Watering Hole 14 not owned
Vultures Dead Fish 14 not owned
Wallieye Salmon 14 not owned

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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