Blue Square |
236 |
not owned
Blue Triad |
236 |
not owned
Blue Circle |
196 |
not owned
Red Square |
196 |
not owned
Red Triad |
196 |
not owned
Aqua Star |
157 |
not owned
Aqua Triad |
157 |
not owned
Blue Star |
157 |
not owned
Lime Star |
157 |
not owned
Maroon Triad |
157 |
not owned
Red Circle |
157 |
not owned
Yellow Star |
157 |
not owned
Aqua Circle |
118 |
not owned
Black Square |
118 |
not owned
Lime Circle |
118 |
not owned
Lime Square |
118 |
not owned
Obelisk of Sumicor |
118 |
not owned
Purple Star |
118 |
not owned
Red Star |
118 |
not owned
Ruins of Arcandya |
118 |
not owned
Statue of Sir Galliandrus |
118 |
not owned
Stone Circle of Mirinthia |
118 |
not owned
Teal Circle |
118 |
not owned
Teal Square |
118 |
not owned
Teal Star |
118 |
not owned
Teal Triad |
118 |
not owned
Yellow Circle |
118 |
not owned
Yellow Triad |
118 |
not owned
Aqua Square |
79 |
not owned
Black Circle |
79 |
not owned
Black Star |
79 |
not owned
Black Triad |
79 |
not owned
Lime Triad |
79 |
not owned
Trimalnon Island |
79 |
not owned
Yellow Square |
79 |
not owned
Actaea Island |
39 |
not owned
Afrarum Island |
39 |
not owned
Afrorur Island |
39 |
not owned
Afrovya Island |
39 |
not owned
Albarnon Fortress |
39 |
not owned
Ambivalencia Island |
39 |
not owned
Amisias Island |
39 |
not owned
Amundana Island |
39 |
not owned
Anglum Island |
39 |
not owned
Austretea Flat |
39 |
not owned
Brundetus Island |
39 |
not owned
Byzalor Island |
39 |
not owned
Cathentova Island |
39 |
not owned
Chinaveos Island |
39 |
not owned
Circle Armory |
39 |
not owned
Circle Monastery |
39 |
not owned
Circle North Bastion |
39 |
not owned
Circle South Bastion |
39 |
not owned
Circle Town Hall and Courthouse |
39 |
not owned
Commancia Island |
39 |
not owned
Cypriveos Island |
39 |
not owned
Decimalrus Island |
39 |
not owned
Ebarand Island |
39 |
not owned
Egum Island |
39 |
not owned
Escia Prison |
39 |
not owned
Espycum Fortress |
39 |
not owned
Estonum Island |
39 |
not owned
Estyrus Island |
39 |
not owned
Etharcul Island |
39 |
not owned
Eulinthica Fortress |
39 |
not owned
Eulova Island |
39 |
not owned
Eupharctum Cave |
39 |
not owned
Graniatul Monastery |
39 |
not owned
Indilova Island |
39 |
not owned
Itia Island |
39 |
not owned
Malitrion Island |
39 |
not owned
Malluarium Island |
39 |
not owned
Manchopand Flat |
39 |
not owned
Moluanini Island |
39 |
not owned
Myronini Island |
39 |
not owned
Purple Circle |
39 |
not owned
Purple Hidden Alchemy Academy |
39 |
not owned
Purple Square |
39 |
not owned
Romovand Fortress |
39 |
not owned
Russiaton Flat |
39 |
not owned
Square Bastion East |
39 |
not owned
Square Bastion West |
39 |
not owned
Square Town Hall and Courthouse |
39 |
not owned
Star Armory |
39 |
not owned
Star Castle |
39 |
not owned
Star Monastery |
39 |
not owned
Star Town Hall and Courthouse |
39 |
not owned
Triad Armory |
39 |
not owned
Triad Castle |
39 |
not owned
Triad Courthouse |
39 |
not owned
Triad Monastery |
39 |
not owned
Triad Town Hall |
39 |
not owned
Ursyrium Island |
39 |
not owned
Utundas Island |
39 |
not owned
Xanynon Island |
39 |
not owned
Yellow Square Armory |
39 |
not owned
Asardeos Island Port |
0 |
not owned
Atluras Island Port |
0 |
not owned