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Game: 438266
the good old times

Status: turn 74
Game over, winner: Enviouz
request pause
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CARD SETS:4,6,8,10,12,... Next: 48 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:1
CARD BONUS:8 / Not On Territory SET PLACEMENT:immediately FORTIFICATION:unlimited / path
Note: This game was completed more than 6 months ago and has been archived.
Many features are unavailable, such as logs and messages.
Stalemate Crusher: Enviouz
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  moonlighk (conquered) -52 11
  Quinto (conquered) -91 3
  Sir No Smell (conquered) 125 6
  Enviouz 0 0 0 -1 563 41
  Renew account (conquered) 337 10
  Rhashark (conquered) 309 19
  robledar (conquered) -77 8
  FuzzyK (conquered) -89 3
Name Value Owner
Perlescence 104 not owned
Fotheringham 92 not owned
Gabby 81 not owned
Daft 69 not owned
Bech 58 not owned
Beinlich 58 not owned
Blaze 58 not owned
Charlem 58 not owned
Hannalie 58 not owned
Marea 58 not owned
Pamalisa 58 not owned
Ria 58 not owned
Swan 58 not owned
Uwent 58 not owned
Abra 46 not owned
Breoli 46 not owned
Brooke 46 not owned
Cheyenne 46 not owned
Demastru 46 not owned
Echo 46 not owned
Eufemia 46 not owned
Flo 46 not owned
Genesis 46 not owned
Genie 46 not owned
Gillo 46 not owned
Goelz 46 not owned
Hindes 46 not owned
Lark 46 not owned
Lonnie 46 not owned
Marla 46 not owned
Quito 46 not owned
Ruelle 46 not owned
Vistannalie 46 not owned
Aftan 35 not owned
Agnes 35 not owned
Alzena 35 not owned
Bethel 35 not owned
Boleri 35 not owned
Camilla 35 not owned
Chocolate 35 not owned
Delta 35 not owned
Desanctis 35 not owned
Elsa 35 not owned
Ester 35 not owned
Gorlem 35 not owned
Iprota 35 not owned
Jinx 35 not owned
Joeckel 35 not owned
Kail 35 not owned
Lara 35 not owned
Longden 35 not owned
Narain 35 not owned
Northern Kimi Islands 35 not owned
Olga 35 not owned
Skibich 35 not owned
Taboo 35 not owned
Umsteg 35 not owned
Valeria 35 not owned
Vinatt 35 not owned
Axam 23 not owned
Delille 23 not owned
Guenivera 23 not owned
Haven 23 not owned
Hope 23 not owned
Juniper 23 not owned
Levesgue 23 not owned
Lueta 23 not owned
Nymph 23 not owned
Oreo 23 not owned
Scacco 23 not owned
Southern Kimi Islands 23 not owned
Alpha 12 not owned
Gremlin 12 not owned

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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