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Game: 381530
Roman Legends III: 125 AD

Status: turn 128
Game over, winner: the phalanx
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CARD SETS:4,5,6,7,8,... Next: 41 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:1
CARD BONUS:6 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:unlimited / path
Note: This game was completed more than 6 months ago and has been archived.
Many features are unavailable, such as logs and messages.
Stalemate Crusher: the phalanx
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  v.Maarseveen (borgified [52]) (conquered) -98 0
  mikerdna (conquered) 543 5
  Oats (conquered) 443 26
  Amantacha (conquered) 109 1
  christheheroo (quitter [75]) (conquered) -100 0
  B0SS (borgified [69]) (conquered) -99 0
  Cornelius the Centurion (left game [39]) (conquered) -98 0
  Legion of BigJay (quitter [61]) (conquered) -99 0
  Tunker (conquered) 619 3
  mjh00x2 (conquered) 15 3
  Oh My Lanta (quitter [80]) (conquered) -97 0
  ztale (conquered) 447 11
  3D (conquered) 211 2
  the phalanx 0 0 0 -1 1064 36
  bogar (left game [91]) (conquered) -98 0
Name Value Owner
Italia 100 not owned
Africa Proconsularis 70 not owned
Tarraconensis 70 not owned
Britannia 50 not owned
Syria 50 not owned
Lugdunensis 40 not owned
Narbonensis 40 not owned
Achaia 30 not owned
Aegyptus 30 not owned
Arabia Petraea 30 not owned
Belgica 30 not owned
Bithynium et Pontus 30 not owned
Cappadocia 30 not owned
Germania Inferior 30 not owned
Germania Superior 30 not owned
Mauretania Tingitana 30 not owned
Moesia Inferior 30 not owned
Moesia Superior 30 not owned
Pannonia Inferior 30 not owned
Pannonia Superior 30 not owned
Aquitania 20 not owned
Asia 20 not owned
Baetica 20 not owned
Corsica and Sardinia 20 not owned
Cyrenaica 20 not owned
Dacia 20 not owned
Dalmatia 20 not owned
Iudaea 20 not owned
Lusitania 20 not owned
Macedonia 20 not owned
Mare Internum 20 not owned
Mauretania Caesariensis 20 not owned
Noricum 20 not owned
Raetia 20 not owned
Regnum Bospori 20 not owned
Sicilia 20 not owned
Thracia 20 not owned
Aestii 10 not owned
Alani 10 not owned
Alpes Cottiae 10 not owned
Alpes Graiae 10 not owned
Alpes Maritimae 10 not owned
Anglii 10 not owned
Aorsi 10 not owned
Arabes Nabataei 10 not owned
Armenia 10 not owned
Attalia 10 not owned
Bastarnae 10 not owned
Burgundiones 10 not owned
Buri 10 not owned
Caledonii 10 not owned
Carpi 10 not owned
Chamavi 10 not owned
Chatti 10 not owned
Chauci 10 not owned
Cherusci 10 not owned
Cilicia 10 not owned
Colchis 10 not owned
Cotini 10 not owned
Creta 10 not owned
Cyprus 10 not owned
Daci 10 not owned
Epirus 10 not owned
Frisii 10 not owned
Galatia 10 not owned
Garamantes 10 not owned
Gepidae 10 not owned
Gothones 10 not owned
Hermunduri 10 not owned
Heruli 10 not owned
Hiberni 10 not owned
Iazyges 10 not owned
Langobardi 10 not owned
Lugii 10 not owned
Maeotae 10 not owned
Marcomanni 10 not owned
Mare Externum 10 not owned
Mauri 10 not owned
Musulamii 10 not owned
Naharvali 10 not owned
Oceanus Septenrionalis 10 not owned
Peucini 10 not owned
Pontus Euxinus 10 not owned
Quadi 10 not owned
Regnum Parthicum 10 not owned
Roxoloni 10 not owned
Rugii 10 not owned
Sarmatae 10 not owned
Saxones 10 not owned
Scythae 10 not owned
Siraci 10 not owned
Sitones 10 not owned
Suebi 10 not owned
Suiones 10 not owned
Tencteri 10 not owned
Teutones 10 not owned
Venedi 10 not owned

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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