Holy Roman Empire |
5 |
not owned
Kingdom of Norway |
4 |
not owned
Kingdom of Russia |
4 |
Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Sweden |
4 |
Not Busy BC I Got Laid Off
Byzantine Empire |
3 |
theyre eating the cats
Caliphate of Cordoba |
3 |
not owned
English Empire |
3 |
not owned
Kingdom of Castile |
3 |
not owned
Kingdom of France |
3 |
Make Dark Ages Europe Great Again
Kingdom of Hungry |
3 |
not owned
Kingdom of Poland |
3 |
not owned
Papal States |
3 |
Grand Master Templar Luce
Aquitaine Kingdom |
2 |
not owned
Aragonian Kingdom |
2 |
not owned
Buda Pest |
2 |
Starting In Norway
Constantinople |
2 |
theyre eating the cats
Counties of Catalan |
2 |
not owned
Debrovnik |
2 |
theyre eating the cats
Dublin |
2 |
Starting In Norway
Edinburgh |
2 |
Im Busy With Comprehensive Exam Prep
Iceland |
2 |
The Holy Skibidy Empire
Island States of Orkney |
2 |
The Holy Skibidy Empire
kiev |
2 |
Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Denmark |
2 |
Starting In Norway
Kingdom of Ireland |
2 |
not owned
Kingdom of Leon |
2 |
Grand Master Templar Luce
Kingdom of Moldavia |
2 |
not owned
Kingdom of Navarre |
2 |
not owned
Kingdom of Portugal |
2 |
Grand Master Templar Luce
Kingdom of Sardinia |
2 |
not owned
Kingdom of Scottland |
2 |
Im Busy With Comprehensive Exam Prep
Kingdom of the Teutonic Knights |
2 |
not owned
Lisbon |
2 |
Grand Master Templar Luce
London |
2 |
theyre eating the cats
Milian Counties |
2 |
not owned
Munchen |
2 |
Grand Master Templar Luce
Norman Kingdom |
2 |
theyre eating the cats
Paris |
2 |
Make Dark Ages Europe Great Again
Reykjavik |
2 |
The Holy Skibidy Empire
Rome |
2 |
Grand Master Templar Luce
Serbian Kingdom |
2 |
theyre eating the cats
Swiss Confederation |
2 |
Not Busy BC I Got Laid Off
Tangier |
2 |
Grand Master Templar Luce
Trondheim |
2 |
Not Busy BC I Got Laid Off
Uppsala |
2 |
Not Busy BC I Got Laid Off
Varna |
2 |
theyre eating the cats
Venice |
2 |
Not Busy BC I Got Laid Off
Wallachian Kingdom |
2 |
theyre eating the cats
Warsaw |
2 |
Starting In Norway