
The UserStatsSoapBean represents the current statistics of a given LandGrab user.

Object Members

Field Name Type Description
userCode int The ID of the user
score int The score of the user
gamesWonCount int The number of games the user has won.
gamesLostCount int The number of games the user has lost.
totalGamesCount int The total number of games the user has finished.
territoriesConqueredCount int The total number of territories the user has conquered.
territoriesLostCount int The total number of territories the user has lost.
playersConqueredCount int The total number of players the user has conquered.
opponentsPlayedCount int The total number of players the user has played.
uniqueOpponentsPlayedCount int The total number of unique users this user has played.
index float The index of the user.
aggressiveness float The aggressiveness factor of the user.
exposure float The exposure factor of the user.