
The LogSoapBean represents a single log entry for a given game's logs.

Object Members

Field Name Type Description
id long A unique identifier
gameNumber int The game number
time date The log event time
type int

The type of the log entry. Can be one of the following:
1 = Textual entry
2 = Army placement
3 = Game over
4 = Capitol selection
5 = Leader placement
6 = March troops after territory conquer
7 = Fortification
8 = Attack
9 = Capitol conquer
10 = Territory conquer
11 = Player conquer
12 = Card trade-in bonus placement
13 = Territory ownership change
14 = Player borg or quit game
15 = Territory selection

data string The human-readable text of the log entry
machineData string A program-parsable string of the log entry details. Described below.
turnNumber int The turn number of the event.


Machine Data Details

The machine data contents depends on the "type" field. Details described below:

entry type details example
1 Not applicable  
2 territory ID:number of armies,... 2:5,12:2,13:4
This example means that the player placed 5 armies onto territory 2, 2 armies on territory 12 and 4 armies on territory 13.
3 Not applicable  
4 territory ID 5
This example means that the player selected territory 5 as his or her capitol
5 territory ID 12
This example means that the player placed a leader onto territory 12.
6 from territory ID:to territory ID:number of armies 6:7:32
This example means that the player marched 32 troops from territory 6 to 7 after conquering it.
7 from territory ID:to territory ID:number of armies 21:23:10
This example means that the player fortified 10 armies from territory 21 to territory 23.
8 from territory ID:to territory ID:attacker losses:defender losses 16:17:2:0
This example means that the player attacked from territory 16 to territory 17 and lost 2 armies (the defender lost none).

from territory ID:to territory ID:number of attackers:Leader used (L), or no leader used (NL):converted territory details

where "converted territory details" is the list of all converted territories, in the form of:

territory ID:territory owner:number of armies remaining:O[C][L][F]:...

The characters at the end denote:

C - this was a capitol territory
L - this had a leader
F - this is a fortress

This example means that the player attacked from territory 23 to territory 24, used 2 armies to attack and did not use a leader.

After the conquer, there were 3 converted territories (in general, this will usually be longer). The three converted territories:

Territory 13, owned by player 141 has 5 armies left and is a fortress.

Territory 16, owned by player 141 has 1 army left and was not a capitol, leader or fortress.

Territory 21, owned by player 141 has 2 armies left and had a leader.

One final note: the "owned by player" will always be the same player -- the player that was conquered when his/her capitol was conquered.

10 from territory ID:to territory ID:number of attackers:Leader used (L), or no leader used (NL) 23:24:2:NL
This example means that the player attacked from territory 23 to territory 24, used 2 armies to attack and did not use a leader.
11 attacker player:conquered player 141:532
This example means that player 141 has conquered player number 532
12 territory ID:bonus value,... 21:2,34:2,4:2
This example means that the player received 2 bonus armies on each territory of 21, 34 and 4.
13 territory ID:new owner 25:1673
This example means that territory 25 was given to user 1673.
14 user code 1673
This example means that user 1673 left the game (or was borgified due to inactivity).
15 territory ID,territory ID,... 4,24,15
This example means that territories 4, 24, and 15 were claimed