The GameSummarySoapBean a single game of LandGrab, including settings, players and status.
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
The game name. |
code |
int |
The game number. |
mapName |
string |
The name of the map that is being used for the game. |
mainStatus |
string |
The main status of the game, can be any of the following:
- "Game over"
- "Initial army placement"
- "Normal play"
- "Not created"
- "Registration"
gameOwner |
int |
The user code who created the game |
turnNumber |
int |
The current player's turn number. |
players |
PlayerSoapBean[] |
An array of PlayerSoapBean objects describing the current players in the game. |
turnPlayerName |
string |
The current turn player's name |
turnStatus |
string |
The turn stats, can be any of the following:
- "Attack"
- "Fortification"
- "Leader placement"
- "Normal play not started"
- "Reinforcement"
- "Territory ownership change"
- "Waiting turn start"
numRemindersRemaining |
int |
The number of reminders that are remaining before the current turn is skipped. If turn skipping isn't enabled, this value will be -1. |
numHoursUntilReminder |
int |
The number of hours until the next reminder is sent. |
numMinutesUntilReminder |
int |
The number of minutes (hour remainder) until the next reminder is sent. |
numTotalReminders |
int |
The total number of reminders that are sent per turn. |
numHoursBetweenReminders |
int |
The total number of hours that exist between reminders. |
gameStatusString |
string |
A textual representation of the current game status, such as "your turn (reinforcing)", or "Waiting for players to join". |
timeRemainingPercentage |
int |
The percentage of time remaining before the user is skipped, in integer form. For example, 33% time left is 33. |
totalMillisecondsLeft |
long |
The total number of milliseconds left until a user is skipped |
teamGame |
boolean |
true if this is a team game, false otherwise |
teams |
TeamSoapBean[] |
An array of TeamSoapBean objects representing the teams. Null if this is not a team game. |
openPublicSlotsCount |
int |
The number of open public slots left. |
minRequiredPoints |
int |
The minimum score required to join the game. -1 if there is no minimum. |
maxRequiredPoints |
int |
The maximum score allowed to join the game. -1 if there is no maximum. |
realtimeGame |
boolean |
True if this is a realtime game, false otherwise. |
leaders |
boolean |
True if this game has leaders enabled, false otherwise. |
numLeaders |
int |
The number of leaders in the game. 0 if leaders are not enabled. |
capitols |
boolean |
true if this game uses capitols, false otherwise. |
fortresses |
boolean |
true if this game uses fortresses, false otherwise. Note: this will be true if the game created enabled fortresses, regardless if the map contains fortresses. |