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All games that lrstaeo is registered in:
Asian Century
This was probably intended for more than 5 players (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 25 of 31 - Islands of the World KOM style
Brothers In Arms
General Election stc Special Caps (completed)
Anagram of my Enemy (completed)
I was born with glass bones and paper skin
Wife Says 47 Active Games is Too Many, Let's Make it 48
Kill It Before It Multiplies
"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves"
Celebrating 900000 games
MOTB Challenge 5 testgame (completed)
New Map Tour 23
Large Army Gent
Man-E-Faces (completed)
Operation Hardball (completed)
Mean Streets for 10 (completed)
Silverymoon (completed)
New Map Tour 07 (completed)
Crammed in Florida
Generals only

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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