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All games that Napoleon Size is registered in:
Napoleonic Apocalypse
Cigarettes After Sex
Lesser Spotted Crowded Caps Xmas in Europa
Do ya feel lucky on Xmas
Bfg401--modern asia
Bfg400--Roman empire
Endless Lands ITD
Existential Threat II (it's all fogged up)
underplayed switzerland
Silver Map Tour 03
Ohio on Ohio violence and some Bald Knobber history
Inland Cozy Foggish Caps (completed)
Endless Lands ITD
If your farts smell bad and you know it join this game
Fiat Lux 052 (completed)
Frontier Caps
Crawl and Brawl
Famine at Christmas?
Frontier fight
Super Board
New Year RT starts 6pm gmt 01-01-2025
well beyond my horizon
Foggy Christmas War of 2024
Turkey Day (completed)
Foggy Death Match Caps (completed)
Who you callin' a pin head
The big show
There are currently no open public games
A Game That May Never Begin or End (completed)
Giantmap 40-4 (completed)
Giantmap 50-41
slow Castle game read game rules
19 (completed)
slowest game in history
It'll be over quickly (completed)

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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