All games that wanna b is registered in:
My Home 2 (0-1)
Castle RT (completed)
One on One (with Borgs) (completed)
Crawl and Brawl
Frontier fight
You can own Europe
Castle RT (completed)
New Year RT starts 6pm gmt 01-01-2025
Foggy Christmas War of 2024
Shootout with the uGlies 1 of 3
There are currently no open public games
TWELVE JUST MEN (completed)
sldfghsdlfjhg (completed)
48 - A Song of Fire and Ice Extreme
Brennan (completed)
My home (completed)
qwerty (completed)
king me (completed)
STL Game 13 (completed)
STL Game 12 (completed)
STL Game 10 (completed)
Flintlocks & Powder Horns (completed)
Damascus Katana & Tanto
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Earth Flat Increasing (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Kill the Brat (Foggy Border Caps)
Big Game Big Map BIG SHOW 3 of 3
Big Game Big Map BIG SHOW 2 of 3
Big Game Big Map BIG SHOW 1 of 3
My Mama wants to kill your Sitar
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
JOEHOEEE (completed)
A Quick One While He's Away
Little Crybaby Bitch Band of Clowns
Fast Fun (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Middle Earth
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fight Me
Earth original and best (completed)
On the ball (completed)
Simpsons Showssss3 (completed)
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die
Fiat Lux??? TEAMS (completed)
Thanksgiving War of 2024
STL Game 3
STL Game 2 (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Filthy Business (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Fast and straightforward (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 29 of 31 - Quintalia Major
Quazie Map Tour 28 of 31 - One Way Mayhem 3D (completed)
Quaz 20
Keep Your Eyes Peeled (completed)
Foggy Border Caps in Crusade Bay (completed)
Foggy Cap Rumble in Element Kingdoms (completed)
STL Game 1 (completed)
Lilly Lake Test Run
Endless Foggy Caps (completed)
My Team vs You (completed)
Simpsons Showss2 (completed)
Primenumbers (completed)
Simpsons Shows Teams
Simpsons Show2
Simpsons Shows2
Frenemys (completed)
Anarchy (completed)
Try Angles (completed)
massmurdereds generallylive in CLAY HOUSE (completed)
Simpsons Showsss1 (completed)
Simpsons Showssssss (completed)
Simpsons Showsssss (completed)
Roasted Almonds (completed)
Earth LG - Team v Team 3 (completed)
Earth LG - Team v Team (completed)
Earth LG - Team v Team 2 (completed)
Does anyone play this game? (completed)
Mega DUOS (completed)
The Good The Bad The uLGy 3 (completed)
The Good The Bad The uLGy 2 (completed)
The Good The Bad The uLGy (completed)
Fun (completed)
Quaz Lottery II
Endless Lottery III
Pennuts Buster Parfait (completed)
Simpsons Showss
R E S P E C T (completed)
4 (completed)
3 (completed)
new (completed)
Show me what you gooooot
Simpsons Show (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Earth flat increasing (completed)
Earth flat increasing (completed)
Keep it fresh (completed)
American Frontier - FFA, cap, forts, fog, escallating, 3 day (completed)
JOEHOEE (completed)
All is Quiet (completed)
47 - A River Runs Through It (completed)
Please enjoy responsibly (completed)
New Map Tour 56
7 days of Scott Bakula not solving crimes in New Orleans
Asian Century
Baby I'm Afraid But Its Not Your Fault (completed)
You know the drill (completed)
Fast Fun 1on 1 (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Sun's Out Guns Out (completed)
7 days on the Enterprise TEAMS
World Domination (completed)
Capitals of Mars (completed)
LG Stack Territory Area
Endless Lottery II
Airport2 (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 25 of 31 - Islands of the World KOM style
Thanks, Obama - Prosecutor vs Felon Edition
Haikyuu! (completed)
Cozy Caps War of the Roses 2 (completed)
Cozy Caps on a Opaquely Gaseous Alpha Orion (completed)
JRR Tolkien ' Mist & Shadow '
Castle (completed)
Office Fast Fun (completed)
Office Fast Fun (completed)
Quick 1v1v1 (completed)
One on One (with Borgs) (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Quaz Lottery (completed)
Endless Lottery (completed)
Firstrike (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 22 of 31 - Deadliest Catch Season 2 (completed)
FIAT LUX? (completed)
foggy lg w antartice and caps (completed)
JOEHOEEE (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
Fast Fun (completed)
King Me (completed)
Mao (completed)
Indigenous Europeans Day 2024 (completed)
Space Minerz
Hexophilia XL
Center of Disaster
Asian Invasion
Come all foes, you're free now! (completed)
Holy Guacamole (completed)
50 50 2
War of 10 Kingdoms (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 16 of 31 - Xormapia (completed)
FL24 (completed)
Guirilandia (completed)
Flooded Teams (completed)
Dust (completed)
Territory (completed)
ENDLESS FOG 3 LEADERS #2 (completed)
New Map Tour 45
New Map Tour 43
New Map Tour 42
Ode To Dames, Danger, Death (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 13 of 31 - Dungeons and Dragons Expansion
Wallingbottom Increasing (completed)
Me, My Sitar and 29 friends-standard
New Map Tour 36 (completed)
Wife Says 47 Active Games is Too Many, Let's Make it 48
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit! (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 12 of 31 - What the Hecks (completed)
Quazie Map Tour 11 of 31 - Crystal Gates
Auto Fun
Endless Game (completed)
Slow Settings for a Hundred Year War
What Lies Beneath Caps Fog 48 Hour (completed)
45 - A Pixelated Earth 166 Countries (completed)
King of castle TWO (completed)
King of Castle ONE (completed)
New Map Tour 35
New Map Tour 34
Giantmap 40-15
can i butter your mufin
New Map Tour 31
Hexed and vexed (completed)
New Map Tour 30
Quazie Map Tour 3 of 31 - A Real CAD (completed)
Fight for Glory (completed)
Pub Crawl (completed)
Gil the Moth (completed)
Charlemagne (completed)
New Map Tour 25
The good the bad and the ugly 4
If ever asked to look at yourself, don't look 2
My driving scares me too 8
The usual suspects
This is bat country 2
Celebrating 900000 games (completed)
Europe with bots (completed)
New Map Tour 23
If ever asked to look at yourself, don't look
Can I be excused for the rest of my life? (completed)
Castle Bravo IV (completed)
Giantmap 40-14
:) (completed)
King Of The Boroughs
Duke Nukem Bubblegum (completed)
Flood Lands 36 hour (completed)
New Map Tour 20
New Map Tour 19
The world shines as I cross the Macon County Line (completed)
Silverymoon (completed)
My driving scares me too 7 (completed)
Match's Insurgency I
New Map Tour 08 (completed)
Starts Halloween Welcome to Hell Everybody, part 2
Giantmap 40-13
Big Quazie Stupid Lottery Game
Crusader States Play-test 2
Giantmap 40-12
Dungeon Battle of Thanksgiving Day (completed)
Giantmap 40-11
Giantmap 40-10
Settings I hate but will still play (completed)
Crammed in Florida
Giantmap 40-9
Estimated time game Wii end 2028
A simulated week at A Real CAD (completed)
Just finished a 10+ year game and want to break that record
Giantmap 40-8
This game might outlive you
Giantmap 50-42
Bronze Map Tour 126
A Game That May Never Begin or End (completed)
Giantmap 40-4 (completed)
Giantmap 50-41
Generals only
The Next 5 year long game
19 (completed)
It'll be over quickly (completed)