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All games that CaptainFailure is registered in:
Bfg395-- Roman empire
Earth LG - Team v Team 2 (completed)
Lesser Spotted Capa British Isles 19thC
clouds (completed)
Dumb and Dumber
Botland (completed)
Earth Flat Increasing (completed)
Earth Flat Increasing (completed)
Middle earth (completed)
Me pido Hobbit (completed)
Holy Forocoches (completed)
Botland (completed)
Botland (completed)
El Mapa de Juani (completed)
Extreme Ireland (completed)
Españita (completed)
Aventuras Dulcineas (completed)
Botlsnd (completed)
Botland (completed)
Botland (completed)
Ya no tenemos tanto pelo (completed)
Botland (completed)
Botland (completed)
1 vs 1 (completed)
Botland (completed)
Botland (completed)
Botland (completed)
Cruzada en las Tierras de la Oscuridad (completed)

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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