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All games that McCorkoran is registered in:
Napoleonic Apocalypse
Inland Cozy Foggish Caps (completed)
Hexual Satisfaction
Atomic (completed)
castle fog capitals (completed)
Foggy Death Match Caps (completed)
LG (completed)
We're gonna go back, way back, back into time! 001 (completed)
Caribbean Teams
Kill the Brat (Foggy Border Caps)
come get some (completed)
Take 2 (completed)
Afghanistan ISAF1 (completed)
LaLima (completed)
Sasquatch Crying makes me want to Castle with fog and caps (completed)
God Save Whoever is on the Throne 026 (completed)
Mama protectors (completed)
Asian Century
79866 (completed)
God Save Whoever is on the Throne 018 (completed)
When Hell Freezes Over ITD (completed)
Me, My Sitar and 29 friends-standard

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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