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Open Public Games
Silver Map Tour 15
Albania LG     3d    
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3 slots left
the reverend ryon   score: 275357supporter
G.F.Y.   score: 632757supporter
deadpool   score: 455205supporter
Big Dawgg   score: 96418supporter
Spiker   score: 412766supporter
Vezzini   score: 420291supporter
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Mount up 3
The Good The Bad The uLGy     2d    
Waiting for players to join
The Regulators:
DickBrewer | Doc Scurlock | Billy The Kid | Bowdre | Chavez
The Good:
So Bad it Hurts
The Bad:
the horrid reverend ryon
The Ugly:
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Mount up 2
The Good The Bad The uLGy     2d    
Waiting for players to join
The Regulators:
DickBrewer | Doc Scurlock | Billy The Kid | Bowdre | Chavez
The Good:
Good Kander
The Bad:
So Bad it Hurts | deadpool
The Ugly:
the grotesque reverend ryon
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Mount up 1
The Good The Bad The uLGy     2d    
Waiting for players to join
The Regulators:
DickBrewer | Doc Scurlock | Billy The Kid | Bowdre | Chavez
The Good:
the goodie reverend ryon | Matt The Brat | whitehat
The Bad:
So Bad it Hurts | deadpool | Thorsdik
The Ugly:
Ugly Kander | Verminator
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EarthLG     24h  
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2 slots left
mrfetish   score: 12286supporter
not cwned   score: 840660supporter
luns   score: 158625supporter
petesyn   score: 292643supporter
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A Really Crappy Team vs An Amazing Team III
Endless Lands     2d    
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4 slots left
The Crappy Team:
runninghore | Thorsdik | Pojo Mojo | unik1 | Matt The Brat | Sasquatch1
The Amazing Team:
choclet | schpere
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Increasing Turmoil at Lilly Lake
Lilly Lake     36h  
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10 slots left
pppeb   score: 644193supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Matt The Brat   score: 123600supporter
Redcoats   score: 50337supporter
kotra is a piece of biased shit   score: 46538supporter
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Increasing Turmoil in Element Kingdoms
Element Kingdoms     36h  
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11 slots left
pthepthep   score: 644193supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Matt The Brat   score: 123600supporter
DeighGlo   score: 19749supporter
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Increasing Turmoil in Crusade Bay
4 Ports of Crusade Bay     36h  
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18 slots left
termigor   score: 644193supporter
Arrrr Thorsdik matey   score: 334029supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Brat Matt   score: 123600supporter
RedBeard the Pirate   score: 76972supporter
Vezzini   score: 420291supporter
4kraken   score: 10636supporter
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Salty Spatoon
Eternal Sands     36h  
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2 slots left
mighty molar   score: 340075supporter
deadpool   score: 455205supporter
Klydezdale   score: 298011supporter
Eternal Kands   score: 432297supporter
cinderellla   score: 519925supporter
fdo   score: 52272supporter
Sheikh Rattle and Roll   score: 65257
Zaack   score: 12928supporter
mrfetish   score: 12286supporter
Verminator   score: 1439870supporter
Thorsdik   score: 334029supporter
shwampy   score: 364450supporter
Hghlnder   score: 21722supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
CaptainWaffles   score: 38009supporter
TBIV   score: 68060supporter
Redcoats   score: 50337supporter
4kraken   score: 10636supporter
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Burnin' Caps in Smoke
Burning Lands     24h  
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10 slots left
Hoju   score: 96348supporter
birdfly   score: 917665supporter
dtsa   score: 326253supporter
Match   score: 285998supporter
timEe   score: 80497supporter
Smokin Lovezini   score: 420291supporter
Redcoats   score: 50337supporter
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EarthLG     24h  
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4 slots left
maxly   score: 608546supporter
not cwned   score: 840660supporter
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Altered Speech Lines
Flood Lands     36h    
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14 slots left
The Only Thing We Have To Fear is Brat Itself   score: 454421supporter
mighty molar   score: 340075supporter
Four hore and seven years ago   score: 1319470supporter
SoEndsAnotherVirginOfALoveStory   score: 519925supporter
pavramop   score: 1053200supporter
I HaveNothingToOfferButBloodToilTearsAndBrat   score: 917665supporter
Make America Brat Again   score: 617619supporter
We are the knights who say Brat   score: 639092supporter
Brat our freedom to defend we shall never give in   score: 1439870supporter
Living Brat free in my mind   score: 334029supporter
A brat that will live in infamy   score: 1234260supporter
You cant handle the fruit   score: 1670270supporter
Ask what you can do for your Brat   score: 123600supporter
I have a dream that Brat may never win   score: 78054supporter
We Are Stripped Bare By The Curse Of Brat   score: 50337supporter
Read my quips   score: 19749supporter
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Giant kingdom
Giantmap     24h    
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13 slots left
cinderellla   score: 519925supporter
Zaack   score: 12928supporter
The Howling   score: 79983supporter
mrfetish   score: 12286supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Smokey The Bandit   score: 150253supporter
Redcoats   score: 50337supporter
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Need more games (Quaz)
Land Of Quaz     24h  
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9 slots left
Baeden   score: 486111supporter
cinderellla   score: 519925supporter
schpere   score: 131121supporter
Hoju   score: 96348supporter
Verminator   score: 1439870supporter
Thorsdik   score: 334029supporter
shwampy   score: 364450supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Match   score: 285998supporter
GordonBombay   score: 27568supporter
Dag   score: 82900supporter
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Who's worthy to control the Immortal Warlords?
Immortal Warlords     2d  
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6 slots left
Orchestra Spy   score: 169263supporter
LFG   score: 462734supporter
G.F.Y.   score: 632757supporter
Kander   score: 432297supporter
pthepthep   score: 644193supporter
cinderellla   score: 519925supporter
schpere   score: 131121supporter
Gray Ghost   score: 315592supporter
pavramop   score: 1053200supporter
All your Sins   score: 179780supporter
Annihilator   score: 617619supporter
mrfetish   score: 12286supporter
Generalisimo Pink   score: 639092supporter
Grand Imperator   score: 721049supporter
Verminator   score: 1439870supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 630549supporter
slagerjj   score: 1234260supporter
Aceron   score: 162118supporter
Mixer   score: 78851supporter
shwampy   score: 364450supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Pethers   score: 33014supporter
Redcoats   score: 50337supporter
4kraken   score: 10636supporter
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Land Grab Epica
Land Grab Epica     2d  
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7 slots left
Orchestra Spy   score: 169263supporter
Sloth   score: 435215supporter
pthepthep   score: 644193supporter
pavramop   score: 1053200supporter
All your Sins   score: 179780supporter
Annihilator   score: 617619supporter
Arsey   score: 749813supporter
mrfetish   score: 12286supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 639092supporter
Canuqeurer   score: 721049supporter
Verminator   score: 1439870supporter
Irondan   score: 617425supporter
aspen   score: 328603supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 630549supporter
shwampy   score: 364450supporter
jdoughty   score: 368203supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Blue Sun   score: 205723supporter
Strawb   score: 332556supporter
Matt The Brat   score: 123600supporter
Redcoats   score: 50337supporter
DeighGlo   score: 19749supporter
4kraken   score: 10636supporter
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Celebrating 15 years on LandGrab
Land Of Quaz     36h  
Waiting for players to join
12 slots left
DEEP HATE   score: 536232supporter
Orchestra Spy   score: 169263supporter
mighty molar   score: 340075supporter
Sloth   score: 435215supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1055800supporter
Kander   score: 432297supporter
cinderellla   score: 519925supporter
Coleus   score: 13702supporter
pavramop   score: 1053200supporter
jughead   score: 260100supporter
Zaack   score: 12928supporter
All your Sins   score: 179780supporter
mikema13   score: 74287supporter
Annihilator   score: 617619supporter
Astillion   score: 918033supporter
Arsey   score: 749813supporter
mrfetish   score: 12286supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 639092supporter
Canuqeurer   score: 721049supporter
The Vulture   score: 596795supporter
Whitewood   score: 494940supporter
Verminator   score: 1439870supporter
Irondan   score: 617425supporter
joebranch   score: 42860supporter
aspen   score: 328603supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 630549supporter
slagerjj   score: 1234260supporter
Aceron   score: 162118supporter
Mixer   score: 78851supporter
shwampy   score: 364450supporter
Pojo Mojo   score: 415161supporter
Smushy   score: 119494supporter
Hghlnder   score: 21722supporter
jdoughty   score: 368203supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Colonel Bacon   score: 117278supporter
Belter Smuggler   score: 735010supporter
EchoNiner   score: 29269supporter
Strawb11   score: 332556supporter
Matt The Brat   score: 123600supporter
whitehaireddude   score: 76972supporter
Rapta   score: 217476supporter
Dag   score: 82900supporter
Pethers   score: 33014supporter
Vezzini   score: 420291supporter
Good Times Roll   score: 78054supporter
Remember Reince Preibus   score: 19749supporter
4kraken   score: 10636supporter
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ReservoirDogs#1 TEAMS
Millennium     2d    
Waiting for players to join
4 slots left
Mr. Green:
teddy84 | 4kraken
Mr Yellow:
Mr. Thorsdik | unik1 | Mr. Brat
Mr Black:
Aceron | WarRabbit
Mr Blue:
Napoleon Size | The Blue Hornblower | Mr Purple
Mr Red:
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Quazie Map Tour 31 of 31 - Land of Quaz
Land Of Quaz     24h    
Waiting for players to join
13 slots left
mighty molar   score: 340075supporter
HornedGopher   score: 1055800supporter
cinderellla   score: 519925supporter
schpere   score: 131121supporter
pavramop   score: 1053200supporter
Wimvan   score: 917665supporter
The Howling   score: 79983supporter
dtsa   score: 326253supporter
Annihilator   score: 617619supporter
Arsey   score: 749813supporter
baaadrabbit   score: 639092supporter
The Vulture   score: 596795supporter
Verminator   score: 1439870supporter
Irondan   score: 617425supporter
Napoleon Size   score: 630549supporter
Aceron   score: 162118supporter
Mixer   score: 78851supporter
shwampy   score: 364450supporter
Smushy   score: 119494supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
Match   score: 285998supporter
TBIV   score: 68060supporter
Matt The Brat   score: 123600supporter
Rapta   score: 217476supporter
Vezzini   score: 420291supporter
Redcoats   score: 50337supporter
4kraken   score: 10636supporter
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Millspaugh's Mayhem
1200     2m  
Waiting for players to join
7 slots left
mrfetish   score: 12286supporter
Verminator   score: 1439870supporter
WarRabbit   score: 258200supporter
unik1   score: 1670270supporter
DeighGlo   score: 19749supporter
millspaugh   score: 0
4kraken   score: 10636supporter
Biglogin   score: 23
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PomKat User is offline 1,799.48index: 1799.48
doomie User is offline 1,034.29index: 1034.29
wahbit99 User is offline 984.69index: 984.69
atat123 User is offline 770.21index: 770.209
G. Kahn User is offline 744.96index: 744.959
danwysong User is offline 713.43index: 713.427
moonlighk User is offline 656.19index: 656.186
Feenix User is offline 632.33index: 632.329
abogus User is offline 558.47index: 558.467
runninghore User is offline 536.67index: 536.669

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