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Game: 900488
If I Borg you can shoot me or perhaps something less painful

Status: turn 547
Game over, winner: Klydezdale
request pause
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CARD SETS:C:4, D:6, S:8, CDS:10, W:20 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:2
CARD BONUS:2 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:2 / path
Stalemate Crusher: Klydezdale
Rebel Insurrection Loyal Cadre Binding Lashing Clasp Capo Tether Link Coupling Clamp Fuse Yoke Hitch Fix Reed Rothchild Boorstin Bird of Beauty Yankee Stadium The Henhouse Red Bluffs Darney Woods Montebello Village Ghetto Land Rats in My Room Joppa Road Roll Call Western Empire Pearl River Delta Monopoly Middle East Crossroads Brest Haiti Awesome Idaho Weak Sauce Svalbard Yangon Imperialist Galaecia Regnum Fuhrerbunker Titanic V2 Nameless City Titanic Balaidos Stadium Castle Magnamund Moscow Sicily China Ghetto Eberron Khovaire Solomon Home at Last Ohio Ngiculela Boozoo Zimbra Howell Blue Balloon Soft Jingo Poppin Circumstance Magnet Hot Biscuits Absent Minded Waiter Jack Horner The Relay I Wish Amateur Hour Pretty Thing Hometown Glory Amber Waves Green Flower Street Ruby Baby Tick Joyful Process Biological Speculation Misstra Know It All Bone Broke This Old House Shady Lane Angel Furies Cholly Mackey Creepin Casiotone Nation Topsiders Big Goodbyes As Gator Marble Tulip Juicy Tree Slip Kid Millineum Falcon Candyland Pirate Bay Walls of Constantine Fourth Great War King of the Hill Tamriel Middle Earth Pandora Lanes of Mosaic Conan SahraniO Borges Eckert Spit on a Stranger Streets of Paradise Sibella Golden Lady Alcan Road Pet Youngin Partridge Dawkins Lockjaw Black Mariah Opium Trail Southbound Carrot Rope Officer Kurring Poundstone Town Cryer Hoover Factory Goon Squad Backwoods Roses Are Free Parma Twain The Rift Hobbies Sir Duke The Golden Eel Liberty Calls Rollergirl Jones Chocolate Town Powder Blue Superwoman Fraction of Action Sunday Papers Daniel Plainview Thompson Back Home Superstition Flat Foot Flewzy Fireman Hurley Transdermal Celebration Flutes of Chi Fancy Pants The Grobe Basom Buckingham Green Object Polka Dot Trail Your Party My Own Bare Hands Extreme Epica Extreme Europa Extreme Ireland Extreme North Extreme 1066 Extreme Tlorean Extreme Americas Extreme Classic Extreme Gent 500 Space War Great Lakes Hexarma Lost Lands Morning Beak Mountain Pass SS Penta 5 Starship XL5 The Docks Treasure Map Eli Sunday Passat Dream Jackson Cannery All Day Sucker Lipstick Vogue Higher Ground Chariot Gaucho Tenenbaum Rushmore Pagoda Blume Fischer Eli Cash Cody Outscoop Piltdown Gossamer Wall Street Clintonsomething Confidential Raleigh StClair Big Payback American Ghost Dance Zeller Cooksferry Queen KS Robinson Song for Igor Doctor Guggenheim Boilerman Two Sisters Genesis Hall Morning Sun Puffycloud Smackaroo Echidna Maybe Your Baby Daddy O Blue Jacket Clampdown Fortune Teller Matty Groves Beat the Retreat Long Miles Home Eminence Front Pearl of the Quarter Piss Aaron Buck Swope Vonnegut Asimov Bradbury Clarke Heinlein Herbert Bear Tolkien Adams Anderson Orwell Map by foist Transworld Modal Operator Beyond Belief Greyhound Girl Talking Deaner Mellowship Slinky Little Cream Soda Little Red Lights Emerald Doctor Funkenstein The Momur Baba Reba Anti Misogyny Maneuver Dirk Diggler Coast Angel City of Motors Lovers Walk Motor Booty Affair Shake Your Rump Moon Sammy Rigby Reardon Hfuhruhurr Johnson Hubbard Cobb Lucky Day Benson Bowfinger
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Vezzini (conquered) 186 20
  borges (conquered) 248 12
  G.F.Y. (borgified [29]) (conquered) -97 0
  Klydezdale ? 328 ? 6 691 27
  ZEIK (conquered) 511 19
  kotra (conquered) -84 1
  windancer (conquered) -87 3
  Kander (conquered) -75 6
  chompchomp (conquered) 345 9
  juniorlovegroove (borgified [100]) (conquered) -91 0
Name Value Owner
Homelands 5 unknown
Boognish 4 unknown
Hamilton 4 unknown
Jistone 4 unknown
Klee 4 unknown
Mastodon Farm 4 unknown
Orchestra Spy 4 unknown
Polkatharsis 4 unknown
Trocergian 4 unknown
Warning Sign 4 unknown
Big Brother 3 unknown
Champi 3 unknown
Chinese Firedrill 3 unknown
Festrunk 3 unknown
Guns of Brixton 3 unknown
Le Show 3 unknown
Little Floater 3 unknown
Quiz Kid 3 unknown
Tam Lin 3 unknown
The Great Curve 3 unknown
Trigger Cut 3 unknown
Vedex 3 unknown
Watts 3 unknown
Angel 2 unknown
Battlescar 2 unknown
Blue Orpheus 2 unknown
Dargai 2 unknown
New Frontier 2 unknown
Strict Time 2 unknown
Tattoo 2 unknown
The Argus 2 unknown
Zissou 2 unknown
Loyal Cadre 1 unknown
Rebel Insurrection 1 unknown
Links 0 unknown

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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