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Game: 912299
A Dream Of Spring

Status: turn 219
rkaufman's turn
(not started)
request pause
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CARD SETS:C:4, D:6, S:8, CDS:10, W:20 SET TRADE IN:turn start LEADERS:0
CARD BONUS:5 / Not On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:1 / border
Stalemate Crusher: Kander of Disaster Benzaemon rkaufman Thorsdik pthepthep unik1 chompchomp AlphaDog Jello B Aceron Napoleon Size JRuN Barberserk timEe
Donata Stemworth Wensworth Fortessa Eventeld Juchia Luvia Neventide Aulwenda Clivenia Weathering Mendia Zendia Stennard Doberway Brayan Genia Hold Chartend Path Talenwa Mallo Harroway Puria Bredge Mournly Oruden Erache Derumia Winslow Auchlea Bayonham Hold Ruinald Nantonia Cullin Passway Timeothea Hexington Dennox Willend Multaive Kravania Ludlounce Meadowcliffs Bruchetine Aurlive Ellian Colevia Clairend Dunderway Yorway Rivenham Grassland Swathia Friese Theldonham Placine Boschland Vyndia Forkbeard Dram Brewling Ivering Belaw Holtenheiser Moldenia Lachel Aarchlan Belderon Ingerton Bowtine Underton Naomy Heathering Meagering Orlich Endugia Hungolia Poth Waterdeep Arcadia Boer Brockham Hold Sytmale Elias Ather Hildenbrand Exenthia Cath Rockford Wynd Umbria Spantune Ryshea Lefean Alpuk Moonsea Aglorond Stone Eldersveld Ada Tethyr Watershed Narfell Feisel Equesia Chester Briannia Vangerton Evering Chaldone Cliffworth Jiltan Ashanath Thindol Shaar Luiren Aursix Durpar Chult Halruaa Ashwon Larson Epux Gregorania Fetterton Mintenham Exmouria Bermingham Bay Maline Thesk Kor Basinport Deventide Harbering Arystonia Blusterton Chessenta Taan Aridation Wasterly Thalia Barrens Scorn Fatalion Wickend Abolinthia Monotonia Burning Rock Perishing Plains Lanting Harbor Glancing Gerrant Crilling Openheim Jibbingway Neme Corlissia Shardizar Falconworth Guelder Lundene Temes Storms End Bathum Thornapple Moatheum Amn Estagund Kan Xixr Paliss Icarias Isthmus Caron Tepasi Yend Nisst Orbal Tarxian Groth Prumethis Ten Towns Pelvuria Freacham Channel Murghom Rashemen Angalpuk Aqualonia Damara Reghed Adorthia Hold Thay Foss Quon Tali Mald Lod Derwernia Forresting Tommundia Hasting Elingarth Bylan Nathington Semphar Bhaerynden Embrath Byllenthia Stead Unther Drak Hetok Erinnia Velecia Hold Dalelands Climshan Peteonia Jour Rennis Nahal Woodville Liverham Gunterway Neologia Witheringham Sembia Guran Maurik Shroud Geleen Dim Melm Karia Plunterhough Altumbel Darchar Banf Moab Gromming Hold Raschea Dobre Cabil Wachtonia Gris Blight Marachova Pass Ziefferton Prospect Shaden Tate Yugurat Eutomia Sansa Castle Massacre
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Area Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Kander of Disaster ? 181651.5 115 ? 5 0 10
  Benzaemon ? 42875.0 43 ? 4 0 7
  [NEUTRAL] (conquered) 0 0
  rkaufman ? 109319.5 69 ? 4 0 10
  maxly (rejoinable quitter [28]) ? 18841.0 23 ? 3 -97 0
  SCOOPER THE GREAT (conquered) -99 7
  Thorsdik ? 44748.0 57 ? 4 0 4
  pthepthep ? 82831.5 84 ? 5 0 4
  unik1 ? 6105.0 4 ? 4 0 7
  chompchomp ? 49128.5 43 ? 4 0 7
  AlphaDog ? 60198.5 65 ? 4 0 6
  Jello B ? 81903.5 85 ? 4 0 5
  Aceron ? 123707.0 125 ? 4 0 7
  Napoleon Size ? 116818.5 117 ? 3 0 7
  JRuN ? 77584.0 85 ? 3 0 5
  Barberserk ? 25258.0 33 ? 1 0 5
  timEe ? 74053.5 68 ? 3 20 6

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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