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Game: 907278

Status: turn 49
Game over, winner: Wo Flung Pooh
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CARD SETS:4,5,6,7,8,... Next: 15 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:0
CARD BONUS:10 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:3 / path
Note: This game was completed more than 6 months ago and has been archived.
Many features are unavailable, such as logs and messages.
Stalemate Crusher: Wo Flung Pooh
lobster telephone circus de ho ho banana after burner dime bag aristocrat grape soda huffer senile implants duct tape inoculation dominatrix puppy quick sand ferris wheel professor sea slug gold 1 gold 2 gold 3 salt 1 salt 2 salt 3 horse 1 horse 2 horse 3 rice 1 rice 2 rice 3 jade 1 jade 2 jade 3 heaven lake mountain snow god mountain purity mountain soe taiji and the boys wondergirls rain BoA kara 2am temple of temple of anagrammed fat substitute melt in your mouth not in your hands back in the saddle sweet daddy siki fists of fury three finger club wolf child girl jimmy was a boogey man peace dog love removal machine shake it dont brake it one horse town lizard in a bottle my heart beats faster sweet gene vincent sonic temple me shove you long time shove is the drug im thinking of an old fashion shove song crazy little thing called shove dont you want somebody to shove youve lost that shovin feeling temple of the god of shove queen of kings jiang qing superfly zhang chunqiao mr big shot yao wenyuan playboy wang hongwen yukaejong kimchi chigae kimchi bokumpab kochujang oldboy sympathy for mr vengeance sympathy for lady vengeance bangladesh loves john tesh i dont feel tardy squidly wtf omg lmao shamalama dingdong H R Puffinstuff hong kong fooey electro woman captain cool bugaloos skeletor point she ra speed racer thundercats ultraman space giants fat albert lidsville courtyard lidsville west gate lidsville south gate temple of lidsville intensity in ten cities wang dang sweet poontang free for all cat scratch fever scream dream little miss dangerous love grenade craveman luscious lush sweetness personified delicious cinnamon coriander ginger chilli turmeric darchini hara temple of spice A2M donkey puncher the A rodeo rim job junkie AE on a saturday night diamond hoo ha man where the sun hits the sky grace kick in the teeth richard III tonight in it for the money temple of gaz wade county bosh 1 LBJ mountains of madness cthulhu crawling chaos reanimator from beyond lurking fear shadow out of time the unnamable park jisung lee chung young hong myung bo lee young pyo ki sung yueng son heung min koo ja cheol temple of cha bum kun pagoda the monk with the skunk fast hands and feet kabuki joe some indonesian junk tokyo dome laotion sensation ankor twat lee hyori kim tae hee kim a joong song hye kyo zhang ziyi ming na maggie Q aishwaria rai michelle yeoh kim yuna nok usanee temple of beautiful melody kung fu existentialism obi fetishist rice cake toe jam rice wine rabbi robot harassment tea for six dragon foul ball z temple of the absurd sitch blappin sock cucker pad thai turd fergison dod gamn stirfry sick duckre noodles cuttle fish pompano sea bass shark fin soup tilapia snook octopus salad flounder squid with hot sauce grandfather spirit birch tree coast fallen leaves forest of lost dreams gingko hibiscus clearing mountain spring ocean mist pine tree poetry drugs sex rock n roll beautiful stormy blondage julia ann bay of asian pot belly pigs malaria fire ant bites rotten nasty hayden atkins kent keitt remon and rime reft fo dead rast caw red zepparin takin it to the rimit what rime is it how row can you go raugh out roud temple of gong li jackie chan tony jaa sammo hung gordon lui jet li chow yun fat andy lau bolo yueng tak sakaguchi chuck norris makes it to landgrab temple of bruce lee temple of solitary unknown my woman from tokyo aja oh no there goes tokyo turning japanese karaoke kyle kidwell up on the hill no sex no drugs no wine no women cyclone ranger chased by a chinese dragon
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Wo Flung Pooh ? 698 ? 6 401 24
  Gunsho Shogun (conquered) -77 14
  Dong Wang (conquered) 145 29
  napbonapart93 (borgified [41]) (conquered) -99 0
  Wu Tang (conquered) 279 24
  Woks for sale (borgified [33]) (conquered) -99 0
Name Value Owner
kiddy play 6 unknown
for the ladies 5 unknown
electric 4 unknown
JADE 4 unknown
nonsensical 4 unknown
badass lands 3 unknown
GOLD 3 unknown
golden fishery 3 unknown
great northern prefecture 3 unknown
HORSES 3 unknown
K Pop Icons 3 unknown
lovecraft 3 unknown
r and l problems 3 unknown
red devils 3 unknown
RICE 3 unknown
SALT 3 unknown
sing song time 3 unknown
supergrass 3 unknown
terrible ted 3 unknown
too sweet to be sour 3 unknown
wtf 3 unknown
zensational 3 unknown
all night long 2 unknown
death from below 2 unknown
excuse me 2 unknown
forest island 2 unknown
mangoland 2 unknown
sexcapades 2 unknown
skin deep 2 unknown
the original gang of four 2 unknown
tropical blunder 2 unknown
when push comes to shove 2 unknown
heat island 1 unknown
lidsville 1 unknown
sonic temple 1 unknown
temple of beautiful melody 1 unknown
temple of bruce lee 1 unknown
temple of cha bum kun 1 unknown
temple of gaz 1 unknown
temple of gong li 1 unknown
temple of joyful nonsense 1 unknown
temple of lidsville 1 unknown
temple of solitary unknown 1 unknown
temple of spice 1 unknown
temple of the absurd 1 unknown
temple of the god of shove 1 unknown
the island of chan wook park 1 unknown
unholy trinity island 1 unknown
wicked 1 unknown

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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