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Game: 675502
Wrath of Khan

Status: turn -2
Initial army placement
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CARD SETS:C:4, D:6, S:8, CDS:10, W:20 SET TRADE IN:anytime LEADERS:0
CARD BONUS:2 / On Territory SET PLACEMENT:turn start FORTIFICATION:3 / path
Stalemate Crusher:
Inferna Sector Arachnid Nebula Sector Stameris Sector Borg Transwarp Conduit 4 of 7 Syrma Sector Starbase 10 Starbase 12 Starbase 718 Tango Outpost Vadalla Sector Starbase 39 SR Vaughn Sector Tellar Sector Andoria Sector Starbase 6 Alderan Sector Castor Sector 39 Leonis Sector Starbase 7 Nausican Sector Thioa Sector USS Kobayashi Maru Lost 2245 Regulus Sector Karbonite Sector Starbase 157 Starbase 343 Plax Sector Starbase 24 Waystation Zeta Denb El Chab Sector Buyria Sector Starbase 514 Kappa Ophiachi Sector Ra Serpentis Sector Aaamazzara Sector Naus Sector Deep Space 5 USS Orion Lost 2357 Cruses Sector Deep Space 4 Starbase 214 Algel Sector Kappa Persei Sector Sector 69 Talos Star Group Sector Centennial Cone Sector Starbase 11 Kazar Sector Nagala Sector Starbase 2 Zral Sector Breel Sector Epsilon Pavools Sector Comet Icarus IV Sector Gacruic Sector Twilight Sector Caldos Sector Starbase 185 Deep Space 6 Starbase 105 Halee Sector Starbase 36 Valq Sector Tessen Sector Zalda Sector Davolos Sector Risa Sector Seninus Sector Atrea Sector Hercatius Sector Denobul Sector Neethia Sector Kendi Nebula Sector Icor Sector Ronara Sector Norkan Sector Subspace Relay AR55 Carrra Sector 16 Cigni Sector Sepia Sector Bahan Sector Pellar Zel Sector Monk Sector Infernia Sector Omicron Sector Sauria Sector Vanden Sector Cardassian Starbase 7 Dopa Sector Kora Sector Kelvas Sector Amleth Sector Pangea Sector Cardassian Starbase 6 Beloti Sector Qubllus Sector The Patriarchy Starbase Rho Virginis Glintara Sector Algorab Sector Alpha Hydri Sector Eta Crucis Sector Delta Phoenicis Sector Starbase Gemma Achedai Sector Beta Relicoii Sector Vejoram Sector Acamar 2 Sector Delta Byoiji Sector Gamma Meaccia Sector Alpha Pictorts Sector Starbase Devoras Beta Votarius Sector Lambia Crateris Sector Starbase Nequencia Khazara Sector Spermus Tailus Sector Gacuic Sector Zeta Volantis Sector Delta Bydi Sector Tau Cygna Sector Albired Sector Borg Ship 5 of 9 Borg Ship 17 of 3 Thorador Sector Hatqria Sector Starbase Lannal Starbase Pheben Ktnaga Sector Klach Onel Brakt Starbase Sagtta Sector Amar Sector Boreth Sector Donyatu Sector Starbase Lanbiac Alhena Sector Archanis Sector Andanla Sector Kosvat Sector Romat Sector Starbase Eridani Tribble Prime Sector Brestant Sector Praxis Sector Starbase Bura Penthe Qovat Sector Bromoth Sector Moceoerotis Sector Gothq Sector Traquni Sector Starbase Ty Gotg Krigos Sector Kostolain Sector Cfia Sector Cursa Sector Ajblon Sector Okrants Sector Karlantse Sector Epqrta Nebula Sector Volchok Sector First Federation and Planet Fesarus Ferenginar Tezenketh Cardassia Earth Vulcan Alpha Centauri Kronos Romulus G Kahn Nebula Sector 229 Lapius Sector Bajorian Wormhole Horse Head Nebula Sector Portas Sector Lazron Sector Ista Cassiphoina Sector Fredrick Sector Megara Sector Wookie Sector Looking Glass Sector Black Cluster Sector Sagan Sector Thrill Sector Valeria Sector Portis Sector Tong Nebula Sector Grazer Sector Tyberius Sector Deep Space 3 Antos Sector Lytasia Sector Genan Sector Rolar Sector Denon Sector Velos Sector Beta Tranged Sector Galen Sector Izar Sector Prexnak Sector Claris Sector Helaspont Nebula Sector Beloit Sector Rho Sector Daopteria Sector 51 Pegasi Sector Regulon Sector Starbase 129 Zeta Sector Gemma Sector Xendi Sector Pree Sector Starbase 621 Starbase 310 Alreschia Sector Neural Sector Yeti 575 Sector Eta Serpentis Sector Starbase211 Starbase 47 Ascella Sector Naus Borealis Sector Apex Sector Zyrll Sector Specta Wormhole White Ranch Sector Sector 420 U.S.S. Pegasus Lost 2358 Typhon Expanse Sector Fieri Wormhole Garadius Sector Starbase 234 Vola Cructs Sector Talvath Sector Tau Cartauri Sector Sector 86 Srellak Sector Enuf Sector Starbase 173 Tybellia Sector Zeta Gelis Cluster Sector Denab Sector Starbase 123 Dantooine Sector Alderaan Sector Endor Sector Hurkos Sector Dagobah Sector Taspir III Sector Zyball Wormhole Borg Transwarp Conduit 3 of 44 Naboo Sector Wayland Sector Zolan Sector Bogart Sector Robca Sector Talar
Timer Pause Control (game is not currently paused)

You can request that the timers of this game be paused.
All active players will have to agree to pause the game before the timer will be stopped.
Requesting a pause will notify the other users when they view the board that a pause has been
requested. At that point, they will accept or deny the pause request. Once all players have
accepted the pause request, the timer for this game will be stopped.

A game can be paused for a maximum of 1 month, after which the timer will be resumed.
Resuming the game follows the same procedure as above. Anyone can request to resume the timers,
all active players must agree to resume the game.
  • Players can still take turns when a game is paused.
  • Players will not be skipped or borgified when a game is paused.
  • Requests for pausing and resuming are anonymous to the other players.

the map
Turn Name Territories Armies Reinforcements Cards Points CT%
  Humans 0 0 0 -1 0 0
  Orions 0 0 0 -1 0 0
  The Borg 0 0 0 -1 0 0
  Bajorans 0 0 0 -1 0 0
  Jem Hadar 0 0 0 -1 0 0
  Shapeshifters 0 0 0 -1 0 0
  Klingons 0 0 0 -1 0 0
  Vulcans 0 0 0 -1 0 0
Name Value Owner
Federation Outer Limits 12 not owned
Klingon Empire 11 not owned
Federation Alpha Quadrant 10 not owned
Romulan Empire 10 not owned
Federation Outer Core 7 not owned
Federation Outer Spiral 7 not owned
Cardassian Union 6 not owned
Federation Core 6 not owned
Romulan Outer Territories 6 not owned
Federation Inner Spiral 5 not owned
Klingon Spur 4 not owned
Planet Ferenginar and Ferengi Alliance 3 not owned
Planet Fesarus and First Federation 3 not owned
Planet Talar and Talarian Republic 3 not owned
Planet Tzenketh and Tzenkethi Coalition 3 not owned
The Borg 3 not owned
The Patriarchy 3 not owned
Ferengi Alliance 2 not owned
Planet Alpha Centauri 2 not owned
Planet Cardassia 2 not owned
Planet Earth 2 not owned
Planet Kronos 2 not owned
Planet Romulus 2 not owned
Planet Vulcan 2 not owned
Talarian Republic 2 not owned
Tzenkethi Coalition 2 not owned
Neutral Territories 0 not owned
Name Players
Starfleet Humans, Orions, Bajorans, Klingons, Vulcans
Dominion Jem Hadar, Shapeshifters
Orion Syndicate
Borg Collective The Borg

LandGrab version 4.8.4   Changelog
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